Paraiso da Vida

Conscious community and retreat for well-being and health in the Amazon Brazil

The team behind the Paraiso da Vida has a long track record within the work and the distribution of overall health products and services in Norway. Kjetil Dreyer and Anders Fjellheim are the owners of the site.

Victor Baldal er prosjektleder og byggleder og er utdannet byggingeniør. Victor er en mester i struktur og planlegging og har et prosjektmessig dybdesyn som har gjort dette mulig for oss. Uten Victor ville det ikke finnes noe Paraiso da Vida som vi kjenner det i dag.

Utover kjerneteamet er det en rekke medhjelpere og assistenter som i sin tid får tre frem rundt ulike retreter, samlinger og seremonier.

Our vision is to make paradise available, comfortable and attractive and bring people closer to nature and our higher self. By bringing people to the place we want to contribute to healing both in body, mind, and soul.

We want to promote a holistic perspective on life and contribute to helping people achieve healing on a holistic plan with holistic methods.

Clean food and some of the world's purest water will help to heal the body, as well as various treatments and relaxing exercises, physical activity, detox and revitalisation.

The mind can heal in contact with other people, therapists and healers. The peace and quiet, as well as the absence of radiation and negative determinants brings the mind to rest and gives room for meditation.

For the soul; nature's own power and influence does its work as you stay there. There are also a variety of plant medicines for inner journey. The calm environment helps the soul find peace. With inner reflection and meditation one can heal. We wanted a place for inner journey and spiritual development, a place where we can be ourselves, develop ourselves and tour higher self together.

Derfor har vi kalt stedet Paraiso da Vida (Paradise of life eller på norsk, livets paradis) Retreat & community. Det blir både et community og et retreatsted med temareiser, helsereiser, opplevelsesreiser og mye mer.

Our dream has come true, now we want to help you fulfill your dreams.

Healing on all levels

We want to promote true holistic health & wellbeing through nutrition, healing and wellness for body, mind & spirit with a sentral focus on real science and healing arts.

The core of Paraiso da vida community & retreat is to create a space that is based on natural law, well-being, peace, prosperity, and individual sovereignty. The purpose is to create a community that will help all who visit or live there to heal the body, mind and soul.

Det vil være en modell for hvordan fremtidens samhandling kan fungere i praksis og bærekraftige levemåter i tråd med naturen. Vi vil jobbe sammen med New Earth Nations og deres verdigrunnlag for en harmonisk samhandling. Vi vil sette fokus på følgende:

  • To establish a physical environment and communities that promote sustainable prosperity.

  • To create a community of like-minded peaceful people with the desire for inner development and cohesion.

  • To remove barriers and limitations for human development and at the same time creating an area of peace and order.

  • To create a protective environment (land) for the development of the human soul.

  • To empower people to find and recover themselves and their sovereignty.

  • To unite mankind, without the systems that create separation.

  • To promote the human condition through new models for conscious evolution.

  • To promote genuine holistic health and wellbeing through nutrition, healing and well-being for body, mind, and soul with a central focus on real science and the healing arts.

  • For events that presents a sustainable vision for a new earth through the celebration and exhibition of art, music, theatre, dance, food, new subjects, healing and wisdom.

  • In order to protect, develop and promote advanced and alternative technologies, and their innovators.

  • To develop a society with the fewest possible rules, the best possible flow, respect, tolerance and comprehension.

  • In the long term to create a “elders council” for guiding and sharing wisdom.